Our mission is to empower the residents of Senate District 35 with sustainable economic opportunities that improve their lives and our communities. We accomplish this by promoting livable wages and implementing attractive incentives for businesses to come to Senate District 35 and expand in our communities.
One of my goals is to work with the Senate District 35 superintendents to help create pathways for graduates to develop skills that align with the
workforce needs.
We will restore the pride in our communities and maintain the districts financial strength while also investing in sewers, quality drinking water, roads, bridges, freeways to improve mobility, traffic, and public transit.
We can better coordinate our efforts to provide housing stability and
increase home-buying incentives for working- and middle-class renters and potential residents as a district.
The future and modernization of business as we know it is upon us, culture has shifted, and we cannot afford to stop progress. We should embrace, and expand LAX, workforce development, aviation sustainability, and mobility; make Port of Los Angeles more efficient, with 21st-century technology with an electrification system, reliable, and sustainable to move goods into our communities safely.
To make our public safety strategy effective, we need to create trust,
mutual respect, and a shared understanding between law enforcement and the communities of Senate District 35 to reduce crime in our neighborhoods and parks.