We will continue to play a critical role in shaping and advocating for infrastructure development in Senate District 35. As Senator, I will prioritize critical infrastructure needs by securing state funding, federal grants, and public-private partnerships.We will restore the pride in our district and maintain the districts financial strength while also continuing to invest in roads, sewers, quality drinking water, and other infrastructure.
Infrastructure and Community Development Achievements:
Our team has worked tirelessly to improve the infrastructure and quality of life in Senate district 35 communities. We have achieved several milestones in community development, which include:
Securing $1.2 million from Congresswoman Maxine Waters and HUD to renovate the districts low-income apartments and the VFW Post 2075 in 2022.
Bringing an additional $4.1 million in January 2023 to improve the Crenshaw Corridor Mobility Project as part of the infrastructure traffic improvement project.
Providing strong support for improving the sewer system and the electric grid, while advocating for clean and reliable drinking water.
Promoting the revitalization of Senate District 35 community properties, with a focus on sustainable and equitable development.

Clean and Renewable Energy, Utilities, and Communication Accomplishments:
Our team is committed to promoting clean and renewable energy, utilities, and communication in Senate District 35 communities. Some of our achievements include:
Advocating for 100% green energy for residents and businesses, while promoting the CPA CARE program to benefit low-income households.
Supporting the electrification of the district, which will provide a safe and healthy environment for our community members.
Launching a campaign to sanitize Senate District 35 communities, which involved renegotiating with Republic Services to increase the number of pickups for bulky items. This initiative resulted in each Hawthorne resident being entitled to 20 pickups of bulky items year-round, a significant increase from the previous allowance of just three pickups.

We will continue to work towards improving our infrastructure and community development while promoting clean and renewable energy and utilities in Senate District 35.